Conference EDUvision 2024

November 28-30, 2024

Hybrid Conference (Zoom and live)

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International conference > Conference topics

International Science Conference contains five sections:


  • Direction of teaching in the 21st century
    • Teaching effectively and learner assessment in online courses
    • How to motivate students to learn online?
    • 21st Century Skills (communication, collaboration, critical thinking, creativity)
    • Developing enterpreneurship
    • Developing enterpreneurial comptencies
    • Inovations in the field of education
    • Management of educational institution for a new era
    • Developing strategies for university education of quality
    • Renovation of education in high school and in elementary school
    • Problems of social isolation in distance learning and psychological consequences on youth
    • Social inequalities in access to ICT and skills and different family situations
    • Improvements in education to facilitate integration into the work process and job creation
    • Thinking habits and dispositions that students should develope
    • "Z and Alpha Generation" learning styles
  • Modern approaches
    • Think Outside the box
    • Inverted learning and Flipped classrooms
    • Formative assessment
    • Self-recognition and self-regulation
    • Self-consciousness and self-efficacy
    • Creative teaching methods
    • Stimulating the creative thinking of pupils / students
    • Critical thinking and solving authentical problems
    • Alternative ways of teaching and knowledge evaluation
    • Team teaching and interdisciplinary integration
    • International cooperation of schools in the design of joint projects and the learning process
    • Project work – a challenge or an additonal job? 
  • Challenges
    • The challenge of distance learning / online learning for teachers, different work & stress
    • Applying the interdiscipinary thematic units in education
    • Modern ways of motivating students and teachers
    • The power and joy of playful learning
    • Benefits and traps of ability grouping
    • Raising the scientific literacy
    • Building the reading culture
    • Significance of multilingualism and the circumstances of foreign languages in EU
    • Exploring the world through the interaction of the senses (kindergarten)
    • Perception of the senses and feelings with the whole body
    • Working with pupils with special needs
    • Creative games as a way of learning
    • Recognition of mathematical legitimacy by help of games and art
    • Teacher and farytale hand in hand
    • Learning and teaching through the arts – creative drama and dance
    • The Rhythm as a helping hand for child development and his social interactive activity
  • Research in education
    • Young researchers and education
    • Developing of research and experimental work
    • Collaborative action research
  • Extracurricular activities
    • Extracurricular activities and compulsory and optional subjects in a different way
    • Interchange between students, teachers and other professionals
    • Library as a learning environment
    • Involving the student dormitories in the educational process
    • Importance of learning environment to meet the needs of employer
  • Working with talented pupils
    • Promoting the talents of pupils / students – new perspectives for the teacher
    • Working forms with gifted pupils / students at school
    • Motivation – key to success 
    • The development of curiosity and talents of young people through participation in extra-institutions
  • Restless and disruptive pupils with behavioral disorders – every teacher's challenge
    • Working with restless and disruptive pupils
    • Modern methods and working strategies with behavioraly protruding pupils
    • How to proceed with arduous pupils / students?
    • Traps of permissive upbringing - are there any boundaries?
    • The ratio of the guidelines to the freedom of a pupil
    • Setting the boundaries and educating self-discipline
    • Teacher's authority in students' learning
    • Behavioral problems, integration, inclusion, non-violence
    • Pampered children - cancer of modern society?
  • Evaluation of knowledge
    • Graduation exams – a knowledge indicator?
    • Verbal assessment of knowledge – yes or no?
    • Authentic forms of assessment
    • Evaluation of research tasks, project work and collaborative learning
    • Evaluation of laboratory work
    • Assessment of posters or PPT presentations and oratorical performances
    • Teacher evaluation of pupils sensory needs
    • Portfolio of students' makes, performance
    • Self-evaluation skills
    • Peer review


  • Learning and Memory
    • Behavioral and cognitive neuroscience
    • Efficiant learning by means of creativity
    • The impact of Neurodegenerative Disorders on Learning
    • Techniques for pattern recognition and changing
    • Cognitive strategies
    • Modern strategies of memory training
    • Interaction between sleeping and cognitive abilities
    • New frameworks of rationality
    • Analogy learning
    • Conceptual folders
    • Visualization as a method of improving conception at the level of particles
  • Neurons and neural networks
    • Artificial brain and Neural networks
    • Neurons and Action potential
    • Neuromedicine
    • Neuroethics
    • Neural circuits and systems and their development
    • Mirror neurons and imitation learning
  • Brain and Consciousness
    • Neurophysical model of mind-brain interaction
    • Consciousness research
    • Drugs and the brain
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Can a Computer Replace a Human Mind
    • Cognitive strategies
    • Integrative Models of Cognition
    • Joint Action, Social Interaction and Group Dynamics
    • Quantum Probability Theory at Modeling Cognition
    • Dynamic Field Theory
  • Cognition and Mindfulness
    • Current interpretations of mindfulness
    • The application of different mindfulness approaches in educational environments
    • The impact of mindfulness on the expression of creativity and innovation
    • Mindfulness, cognition and consciousness
    • Enhancing the social and emotional sensitivities of educators in the classroom
    • Self-care
    • How does mindfulness change our brains and how does it affect memory and attention, socio-emotional learning, resilience and mental well-being?


  • Modern Models
    • Use of modern devices and applications in effective distance learning and learning
    • Information and media literacy in school and kindergarten settings
    • Use of Social Networks for Education Purposes and for Professional Development of Teachers
    • Promoting Creativity Through the use of Modern ICT
    • ICT as a tool for innovation in improving academic achievement
    • Use of Smart Phones in Education
    • Use of Tablet Computers in Education
    • Making and using short videos in learning
    • E-learning – Distance Learning
    • Didactic Games
    • Developing ICT Competency
    • Reasons and ways of intergenerational cooperation in e-learning
    • Gamification
    • Opportunities and challenges for teachers in the information age
    • TPCK (Pedagogical technological content knowledge)
    • Virtual environment
  • ICT Services for Schools and New Technologies
    • Use of Information and Business Efficiency in Public Employment
    • E-Management in Schools
  • E/i-Content
    • Developing and Application of e-Content and i-Content
    • Quality Control
    • Didactic Aspects of the Application of Simulation and Animation
    • Creating the Interactive e-Content
    • Cross-curricular Integration of Learning Content Vertically through the Use of Interactive Content
  • Internet Security
    • Internet – The Source of Information and Learning or a Danger to our Children
    • Safe Use of the Internet and Privacy
    • The Importance of the Regulation of Hate Speech on the Internet
    • Personal Data Protection on the Internet
  • Research and Development in the Field of ICT


  • Communication and Nonviolence
    • Communication skills at the work environment - an advantage for excellence
    • Development of soft skills (emotional intelligence, communication, team participation)
    • Raising the level of interpersonal culture in students
    • Prevent violance in schools - School and peer mediation
    • The power of non-verbal communication in the classroom
    • Extra-curricular activities - a factor reducing the destructive habits
  • Personality development of the teacher
    • Opportunities for professional development of teachers
    • Lifelong training and professional development of the teacher / educator 
    • Creative individual - the key to an innovative future
    • Networking to promote social and cultural capital
    • The influence of rhetoric and communication skills on teacher / educator performance
    • Strategies for controling stress of the teacher
    • Developing of social and emotional competence of the teacher
    • Mobing, bullyng and other extortions
  • Pupil's personality development
    • The path to quality relationship between the student and the teacher / educator
    • How to make pupils to learn of managing their own emotions?
    • Learning of relaxation techniques and stress controling in excessive irritation of the pupils and students
    • EFT tapping in school
    • The impact of media on a child/pupil development
    • Does the school provide pupil's personal growth?
    • Systematic learning of social skills
    • The implementation of school-wide positive behavior interventions and supports
    • How to overcome educational failure and social exclusion?
    • Creation of pupil's self-esteem
    • Sex education in kindergartens, primary and secondary schools - Detection of sexully abused children
    • Volunteering with examples of intergenerational cooperation
    • The role of the class teacher in forming a responsible and successful pupil / student
    • Kindergarten as a place of creating values and empathy
    • How to secure and develop parents partnership in the kindergarten


  • Values and the Environment
    • The foundations of modern ecology
    • Lifestyle, consumer society and sustainable development
    • The problem of energy sources
    • The complexity of environmental problems
    • Environmantal impact on children's health
    • Ethical and sustainable state of mind
    • Experiential learning
  • Green Economy, Policy and School
    • Eco inovations
    • Sustainable approach to environmental problems
    • Green knowledge and green skills for green job
    • Green Informatics and Sustainable Development ICT
    • Social initiatives in the non-governmental and governmental level
    • The school as an environment for the sustainable development
    • Eco kindergarten in shaping attitudes towards nature
    • Learning for global challenges